Sunday, May 29, 2011

Values of Network Marketing

Bill Gates

Cover of Bill Gates

There are many ways for a person to become rich. The best way to become rich is to find the way that works best for you. If you are a person who loves helping other people this new business system – Network Marketing – is for you.

The rich people in the world like Bill Gates build networks. Everyone else is trained to look for work. In network marketing, you will learn to have money work for you rather than you work for money. Building your own business is the best way to become rich. After you have built your business and you have strong cash flow, then you can begin investing in other assets. A network marketing business is a new and revolutionary way to achieve wealth. A network marketing system is often called a personal franchise and is a very democratic way of wealth.

In network marketing, there is equal opportunity, there is life changing business education, there are friends who will pull you up,with them you can develop your most important business skill, you will learn the value of network, the importance of leadership, you will learn how to work not for money, the importance of dreams, the importance of marriage and business and family and business.

To refresh my previous articles visit the following links:






About the author – I am a father of 3 for 24+years, OFW for 16 years +, A Blogger, Sometimes a Poet, A Writer, Self-motivated. I am friendly animal but can kick you off when it is needed. LOL. I have no specific areas where my writing will focus on. I write any subject under the merciless sun. I am a writer/contributor of Triond, Wikinut, Bukisa and Allvoices. Also I am a DXN Member/Distributor. I welcome people around the world who are positively thinking to start business with DXN.

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Friday, May 27, 2011

Parity of Phishing to Fishing

Man seated at the side of the water surrounded by fishing rods and tackle.Wikipedia defined Fishing as the activity of trying to catch fish. Fish are normally caught in the wild. Fishing is an ancient practice that dates back to, at least, the beginning of the Paleolithic period about 40,000 years ago. Isotopic analysis of the skeletal remains of Tianyuan man, a 40,000 year old modern human from eastern Asia, has shown that he regularly consumed freshwater fish.

There are many fishing techniques or methods for catching fish. The term can also be applied to methods for catching other aquatic animals such as mollusks (shellfish, squid, octopus) and edible marine invertebrates. Fishing techniques include hand gathering, spear fishing, netting, angling and trapping.

Images via Wikipedia

Google defined phishing as a form of fraud in which a message sender attempts to trick the recipient into divulging important personal information like a password or bank account number, transferring money, or installing malicious software. Phishers send fraudulent mass-messages designed to collect personal information, called “spoofing” or ‘password phishing.

Example of phishing: “We have received several complaints from users unable to gain access to their email account, as a result of that, we are upgrading our security systems and making sure each user account is not accessed unauthorized. We are sending this general message to all users to confirm their details for verification purpose: Full Name:  Account  ID: Password: Profession: State of Origin: Alternative Email:”

What is then is the similarity between Phishing and Fishing? Based from each definition, I found a word “hunting” to describe their parity. Fishermen go fishing in the wild to catch or hunt fish ( big or small) and other edible marine invertebrates by applying the different methods or techniques. While Phishers explore the World Wide Web to hunt for victims by sending fraudulent mass-messages to net users across the Internet.

Full Story Now I Know What is Phishing

About the author - I am a father of 3 for 24+years, OFW for 16 years +, A Blogger, Sometimes a Poet, A Writer, Self-motivated, Professional by experience. You can call me Paul or Pruel. I am friendly animal but can kick you off when it is needed. LOL. I have no specific areas where my writing will focus on. I write any subject under the merciless sun. I am a writer/contributor of Triond, Wikinut, Bukisa and Allvoices. Also I am a DXN Member/Distributor. I welcome people around the world who are positively thinking to start business with DXN.

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Cleansing Fountain

Ary Scheffer: The Temptation of Christ, 1854

Image via Wikipedia

This poem tells about my faith. I am a Christian, Roman Catholic. I grew up through its guidance though sometimes I asked, "Was He the same God whom I used to kneel to pray, made out of blocks, wood, stone and clay?"

I was born as thousand are
Where God was never known
Taught to pray a useless prayer
To blocks, woods and stones.

I would confess, I am blind
Could not see the truth
I am living with lies and illusions!

But today a peculiar thing happened
I fainted and I started longing
for the greatness of redeeming love
the love of Christ to me!

So, I started my journey to seek the truth
I stroke my fingers on the keyboard
My computer opened the door for me
I paused, asked myself, should I proceed?
Or I’d go back and forget it?

But my curiosity inspired me to go on
I opened the door, got inside, looked here
and there. I kept walking ‘til I reached the place
Where the Holy Writ was resting.

Happiness filled my heart
the treasure was shining brightly
I shouted with joy. My hale
and hearty arms held it up
I kissed it with compassion and love
Then I commenced scanning its Holy pages
And I found these enlightening verses:

Take heed what you read and what you hear
With what measure you mete
It shall be measured to you
And unto you that hear shall more be given
Then go on to know more and more
Of what that treasure is
And glorify your God, without end.

Was He the same God whom I used to kneel to pray?
Who was made out of blocks, wood, stone and clay?
Verily I wondered but my doubt did not alter my desire
Still I read the following text:

God created man and female
In His image and likeness, He created them
For His love and for the purpose to live with Him
And that we must give our highest admiration
And submit to Him, as our only God in return.

Consoled, I said this is it I am looking for
The true God I had long desired
God’s love to His children is lasting
God is a reasonable One
And understanding one in nature
He sent Jesus Christ, His begotten Son
His Son’s Sprinkling Blood save the world
And washed out His children’s sins.

He is the living word
The living water and the living bread
To feed our hungers, thirsts and longings
Jesus is the living light and life of the world
Who could calm us in the hour of buoyant health
In our hour of pain
In our poverty or wealth
In our loss or gain
Who could soothe us with holy hymn and psalm
And bid our spirits rest
That Jesus died for us
That on the cross He shed His blood
From sin to set us free.

Now, I know, it is not yet too late for me
to seek His Holy name and live with Him
with true guidance and pure doctrines
through Jesus Christ and His teachings.

Happy indeed I found Him the cleansing fountain
where I can always flee
His blood most precious
the sinners’ perfect plea.

About the author - I am a father of 3 for 24+years, OFW for 16 years +, A Blogger, Sometimes a Poet, A Writer, Self-motivated, Professional by experience. You can call me Paul or Pruel. I am friendly animal but can kick you off when it is needed. LOL. I have no specific areas where my writing will focus on. I write any subject under the merciless sun. I am a writer/contributor of Triond, Wikinut, Bukisa and Allvoices. Also I am a DXN Member/Distributor. I welcome people around the world who are positively thinking to start business with DXN.

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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Charice Pempengco Needs Bodyguards

Because of Charice undiminished popularity, many young and energetic guys out there are interested to work with Charice to become her personal bodyguards to oversee of her overall safety 24/7. These interested applicants are now starting sending applications electronically. The applicants are vying one another through massive submission of well written resumes.

I have no connection with Charice Pempengco. But I admit she’s one of my favorite young divas nowadays. Yesterday, I was surprised to receive an application from a certain applicant (his name is withheld) was wrongfully sent off to my email address.

For her safety, there is nothing wrong for Ms. Charice Pempengco to hire personal bodyguards though she should not just depend on the resumes she will receive. She needs to consider the following qualities for an applicant like Honesty, Integrity and Trustworthy or HIT.

Full Story Charice Pempengco: The Pride of Philippines Needs Bodyguards

About the author - I am a father of 3 for 24+years, OFW for 16 years +, A Blogger, Sometimes a Poet, A Writer, Self-motivated, Professional by experience. You can call me Paul or Pruel. I am friendly animal but can kick you off when it is needed. LOL. I have no specific areas where my writing will focus on. I write any subject under the merciless sun. I am a writer/contributor of Triond, Wikinut, Bukisa and Allvoices. Also I am a DXN Member/Distributor. I welcome people around the world who are positively thinking to start business with DXN.
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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Where Do I Begin -- a Pure Love Song with Beautiful Language

I was ten year old when the song was first introduced as an instrumental theme for the film Love Story in 1970. And many remarkable singers and artists have recorded the song started from Andy Williams, Vikki Carr, Rick Astley, José José, Shirley Bassey, Donald Braswell II, Francis Lai, Henry Mancini, Johnny Mathis, Patricia Kaas, Paul Mauriat, Richard Clayderman, Alfio, Nino Tempo & April Stevens Estela, Nunez and many more. For the instrumental piano and karaoke watch the video.

Read also my previous article: Philip Caruso and His Piano

Thanks to ojneb18 who uploaded this video on Nov 18, 2007

"Where Do I Begin: Love Story" according to Wikipedia is a popular song published in 1970, with music by Francis Lai and lyrics by Carl Sigman. The song was first introduced as an instrumental theme in the 1970 film Love Story. The lyrics were added after the theme music became popular.

It brings love to my heart. A song that will never die. A song that really touch a soul. A song that inspires me. It relates sweet memories of the past. A song to be remembered from generation to generation. It helps purify my character and makes me happy.

Full Story The Song for All Ages

About the author - I am a father of 3 for 24+years, OFW for 16 years +, A Blogger, Sometimes a Poet, A Writer, Self-motivated, Professional by experience. You can call me Paul or Pruel. I am friendly animal but can kick you off when it is needed. LOL. I have no specific areas where my writing will focus on. I write any subject under the merciless sun. I am a writer/contributor of Triond, Wikinut, Bukisa and Allvoices. I also am a DXN Member/Distributor. I welcome people around the world who are positively thinking to start business with DXN.

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Monday, May 16, 2011

My Stalker Strikes Back: How to Deal with Stalkers

STALKER by DeusXFlorida
STALKER, a photo by DeusXFlorida on Flickr.
He said, “Articles entitled to termination is from 1 to 130. I have control over your dashboard and as well as several hundred other accounts. I’m doing this because I love flaunting my power. There is nothing quite like destroying some one’s hard work in a second.“

I am just a least writer at Triond. I love sharing my blog articles here – this is the best way I found to fight my homesickness for my family left in Philippines.

I wish I could have the crystal ball of Madam Auring to watch John Watson IV from time to time!

Full story My Stalker Strikes Back: How to Deal with Stalkers

Philip Caruso and His Piano

Music plays a very important part of Philip Caruso’s life. He has a great passion for playing the piano and he loves to share it to people.

Philip Caruso was born and raised in China. Now he is in New Zealand studying Accountancy at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch.

He has always wanted to learn to play the piano since his childhood. But his parent opposed him. They thought playing the piano would only disturb his study. So he never had the chance to learn piano in his home country.

However, when he arrived in New Zealand, he also took up lessons on piano.

Image via Wikipedia

He said, “I tried to practice the piano at least two hours every day when I am at home. The person who inspired and motivated me to learn the piano was one of the world’s remarkable Pianist Lang Lang (郎朗) who is also a Chinese national. I am a great fan of Lang Lang. His passion for playing  piano and his childhood story really inspired me a lot.”

Full Story Philip Caruso and His Piano

About the author - I am a father of 3 for 24+years, OFW for 16 years +, A Blogger, Sometimes a Poet, A Writer, Self-motivated, Professional by experience. You can call me Paul or Pruel. I am friendly animal but can kick you off when it is needed. LOL. I have no specific areas where my writing will focus on. I write any subject under the merciless sun. I am a writer/contributor of Triond, Wikinut, Bukisa and Allvoices. I also am a DXN Member/Distributor. I welcome people around the world who are positively thinking to start business with DXN.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

What Osama bin Laden up to now

U.S. Kills Bin Laden by swanksalot
U.S. Kills Bin Laden, a photo by swanksalot on Flickr.
My thought about Osama bin Laden are based mainly from what I read from newspapers and Internet, from what I saw from Television and Youtube videos, from what I heard from Radios and from people I meet everyday. They are sources for his undiminished popularity that even the superstars of Hollywood could not surpass his stardom. He’s brilliant. His acting was super and has shaken the world. Now he’s believed a cold dead meat! How true is it?

I prepared some questions randomly and they might interest you to give your views and opinions. This is open for feed-backs either bad or good from you readers and visitors.

(1) Who popularized Osama bin Laden? (2) What made him popular? (3) How it began? (4) What encouraged him to stand against his enemy? (5) Who were his enemy? (6) What made him a greatest actor? (7) Who benefited mostly from his actions? (8) Who suffered mostly from his actions? (9) What Osama bin Laden up to now?

You can choose one or two out from those questions for your honest views and opinions or if you wanted to you can answer to all of the questions above. And also you can add more questions to share here if you wished to.

Now Osama bin Laden is believed a cold dead meat. However, there are people who still don’t believed that he was killed as there was no evidence yet of his dead body!

Full story  What Osama Bin Laden Up to Now, Osama Bin Laden: The Greatest Actor

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Dragonfly's Nightmare

dragonfly by schopie1
dragonfly, a photo by schopie1 on Flickr.
Dondon is one of the million OFWs (Tutubi also known as Dragonfly) presently in Saudi Arabia but on KSA Deathrow after he killed a Saudi national for "Self-defense". He was imprisoned here in Dammam Central Jail since August 15, 2000. He was sentenced to death by Beheading.

Now he is appealing help from our Philippine Government to save him from Death Sentence. He uses social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Youtube aside from sending text messages and sending emails to friends to seek help.

Full story Dondon: The Dragonfly Who Always Love Flying Now Cannot Fly

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Is it lawful to involve fraud to our awesome writing hobby?

My Google Adsense violation report for by adria.richards
Fraud is an intentional deception made for personal gain. A month ago, I had an interesting conversation with a friend (here name is withheld) who happened also a Triond contributor. However, she had been kicked out from Triond. Also she was constrained from accessing to her Google AdSense Account.

She said, ”I wrote at least more than six hundred original articles and published them to the different websites powered by Triond. My monthly income from writing with Triond for the past two years was impressive aside from my Google AdSense monthly earnings.”

Full story The Motives of Fraud

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Article Thieves are Clever and Wise: How to Detect Them

My own work

Image via Wikipedia










Normally, we write articles with awesome titles and tags. We even have used some keywords on the titles for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) purposes. And when it comes to article tagging we apply some keywords that are found on our article contents. This time do not hesitate to include your user name as one of the tags for your articles. If someone has stolen your works with the tag of your user name – the search engines will help you detect that plagiarized your works and will guide you to the sites where they are published. Already I have proven that this method is really effective.

In addition, do not forget that there are thieves who are also clever and wise. They plagiarized other works and published them with new titles. However, you can still detect those articles that are plagiarized through comparison of the contents, the approach and style used by the author. Always remember that there are no two authors who write the same approach and style. Even twins they write differently!

Full Story What to Do to Detect If Your Articles are Plagiarized


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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Person Plagiarizing Articles by Bulks Already Traced

All Rights Reserved* by no3rdw
All Rights Reserved*, a photo by no3rdw on Flickr.
My blood pressure has risen drastically for knowing about the guy that he is plagiarizing articles by bulks. He is also using the same bathroom, bedroom, living room and other visible things I am using in the house. We are both living in the same roof under the care of Triond community.

Full story The Person Plagiarizing Articles by Bulks Already Traced

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