I was ten year old when the song was first introduced as an instrumental theme for the film Love Story in 1970. And many remarkable singers and artists have recorded the song started from Andy Williams, Vikki Carr, Rick Astley, José José, Shirley Bassey, Donald Braswell II, Francis Lai, Henry Mancini, Johnny Mathis, Patricia Kaas, Paul Mauriat, Richard Clayderman, Alfio, Nino Tempo & April Stevens Estela, Nunez and many more. For the instrumental piano and karaoke watch the video.
Read also my previous article: Philip Caruso and His Piano
Thanks to ojneb18 who uploaded this video on Nov 18, 2007
"Where Do I Begin: Love Story" according to Wikipedia is a popular song published in 1970, with music by Francis Lai and lyrics by Carl Sigman. The song was first introduced as an instrumental theme in the 1970 film Love Story. The lyrics were added after the theme music became popular.
It brings love to my heart. A song that will never die. A song that really touch a soul. A song that inspires me. It relates sweet memories of the past. A song to be remembered from generation to generation. It helps purify my character and makes me happy.
Full Story The Song for All Ages
About the author - I am a father of 3 for 24+years, OFW for 16 years +, A Blogger, Sometimes a Poet, A Writer, Self-motivated, Professional by experience. You can call me Paul or Pruel. I am friendly animal but can kick you off when it is needed. LOL. I have no specific areas where my writing will focus on. I write any subject under the merciless sun. I am a writer/contributor of Triond, Wikinut, Bukisa and Allvoices. I also am a DXN Member/Distributor. I welcome people around the world who are positively thinking to start business with DXN.
Very romantic song. It is honestly very nice song the lyrics are also very beautiful. It is composed very well by the great musicians. It is also my favorite.